Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's next?

In the ebbing and waning of life, those moments of lull, we become passive. And we wait. For change, for the next great moment, for time to pass. It is interesting how during the moments when action is most needed, we chameleonise into a passive comatose state.
Innumerous times through all our lives we pass through the ponderance of the meaning of life phase. Sometimes we find transient answers, other times the next chapter of life kindly unfolds for us and so we are distracted, and at the worst of times we are sucked into that black hole of emptiness because we can’t find what we think we desperately need to know in order to be able to go on.
So how about this? There is no scientific meaning of life. No tangible common goal or purpose. We are in existence, yes we simply exist, and can ignore that very fact or reap the benefits thereof. To enjoy each other’s company, to enrich our lives with all that has been created for us and what we have added by creation ourselves. It is a tangential journey – factual by the cause that time progresses, age ensues, nothing is repeated nor the beginning point ever crossed again. And as abstract as it seems and is understood, there are spiritual factors at play prodding our free will, enlightening us and guiding us. Abstract because there is not one common definition of spirit or how to seek and find it, no art to it and definitely no science involved – it is a gifted concept, a gift because we can each unravel it, open it and interpret it as our own.
There are many ways to walk through this journey – unconscious, inhumane, disinterested, searching, reaping, with purpose, with zest. Do take note that none of the methods mentioned involve emotion, people say we have a choice to walk through life happy or sad, untrue. Whatever your chosen path, and your choices will constantly change, all emotions will follow you whichever way you go, there must be greater purpose than mere human emotion to drive one through survival. To make it a spiritual journey be that to find our way back to existing in that god-like state in which we were born, or to have started as earthly matter to seek the ultimate conversion into an illuminated soul seem both correct ways for me, however they are not the only way. Though some believe there must be a common goal, the same end point, in truth, the only commonality all 7 billion of us are working towards is death. That is our destination. So is the purpose of life death? Of course not, death is the final destination, and destination is not purpose.
I do not believe in coincidence, life for me is a series of non-coincidental sequences which we can passively ride along on, or notice them, awaken to them, and live with purpose – the purpose of your choosing. Whatever be your state of existence, what comes next follows on from today. The sand in the hourglass will not cease to flow, because we cease to exist.

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