Monday, April 25, 2011


There is something magical about this bird, almost unassuming of its true magnitude. A speck in the sky because it flies higher than the rest that its size and power are undetermined, yet watching its angelic grace as it soars so close to the sun allows one to understand why the mythical creature of the phoenix is based on its form.
It is almost a creature not of this earth nor meant to ever walk our land, only roam above, keeping a watchful eye on all, protecting. A magnificent juxtaposition that its colours are of the earth, as though it were moulded from the ground and then gently released into the sky, like a kite in a calm breeze, and when its strings were cut, it continued up until it found its platform in the sky, to watch over earth in its mortal form.
But to remind us of the strength behind beauty and grace, it occasionally ever so delicately swoops down to take of the earth, permitting us to witness the power of such beauty, to understand fear of flawless creation. And then a silent retreat, back up into the heavens, towards the sun.

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