Sunday, January 30, 2011


Trepidation. Fantastic word isn’t it? That state of existence to which we all sink as default when left unawares. Whereas anxiety is a constant, steep escalation to a pinnacle point of turmoil, trepidation is a platform of lower-grade panic, that can linger eternally, the reasons for apprehension changing as need be and old issues are resolved to be replaced by new ones, all the while, unfaltering stable on this quivering platform.

A false contentment, trepidation. Full-blown anxiety is over, things seem stable and in order and goals are attained, resolutions found, and then we start to feel the quiver. A quiver of uncertainty, about choices past; about choices today for all todays lead to tomorrow; of what to do now that goals have been met for we cannot allow the entrance of stagnation. The wondrous nature of trepidation is that it leaves one with lingering uncertainties to be acted upon rather than tumultuous fear as in anxiety and panic.

We’re not meant to be looking for contentment. That is purely and simply stagnation. Happiness, it must be reminded, is not contentment, but a state of mind sought and found in any situation. But happiness is an entirely different discussion on its own. Point today is that this platform results in productivity, action rather than stagnation, inspiration and passion,…and with all aspects of life, the balancing factor here is depression rather than fear.

The potential seems just to great though to bore over the worries that feed the vine. Bottom line, trepidation is the default state we should all seek to find. And if your will is not strong enough, try some Prozac but stick to that tumultuous, quivering platform, progression is endless.